- 401(k) Plan
- 403(b) Plan
- Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)
- Administrator
- After-Tax Return
- Aggressive Growth Fund
- Alternative Minimum Tax
- Annuity
- Asset
- Asset Allocation
- Asset Class
- Audit
- Balanced Mutual Fund
- Bear Market
- Beneficiary
- Blue Chip Stock
- Bond
- Book Value
- Bull Market
- Buy-Sell Agreement
- Capital Gain or Loss
- Cash Alternatives
- Cash Surrender Value
- Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
- Charitable Lead Trust
- Charitable Remainder Trust
- Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC)
- Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU)
- Coinsurance or Co-Payment
- Commodities
- Common Stock
- Community Property
- Compound Interest
- Consumer Price Index
- Deduction
- Defined Benefit Plan
- Defined Contribution Plan
- Diversification
- Dividend
- Dollar Cost Averaging
- Durable Power of Attorney for Finances (DPOA)
- Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care (HPOA)
- Efficient Frontier
- Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plan
- Enrolled Agent (EA)
- Equity
- ESOP (employee stock ownership plan)
- Estate Conservation
- Estate Tax
- Executive Bonus Plan
- Executor
- Federal Income Tax Bracket
- Fixed Income
- Fundamental Analysis
- Gift Taxes
- Holographic Will
- Individual Retirement Account ( IRA )
- Inflation
- Interest
- Intestate
- Investment Category
- IRAs
- Irrevocable Trust
- Joint and Survivor Annuity
- Joint Tenancy
- Jointly Held Property
- Liability
- Limited Partnership
- Liquidity
- Living Trust
- Living Will
- Lump-Sum Distribution
- Marginal Tax Rate
- Marital Deduction
- Market Capitalization
- Money Market Fund
- Municipal Bond
- Municipal Bond Fund
- Mutual Fund
- Net Asset Value
- Pooled Income Fund
- Portfolio
- Preferred Stock
- Prenuptial Agreement
- Price/Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio)
- Principal
- Probate
- Profit-Sharing Plan
- Prospectus
- Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO)
- Qualified Retirement Plan
- Revocable Trust
- Risk
- Risk-Averse
- Rollover
- Roth IRA
- Security
- Self-Employed Retirement Plans
- Simplified Employee Pension Plan (SEP)
- Single-Life Annuity
- Split-Dollar Plan
- Spousal IRA
- Tax Credit
- Tax Deferred
- Tax-Exempt Bonds
- Taxable Income
- Technical Analysis
- Tenancy in Common
- Term Insurance
- Testamentary Trust
- Testator
- Total Return
- Trust
- Trustee
- Trustee-to-Trustee Transfer
- Universal Life Insurance
- Variable Universal Life Insurance
- Volatility
- Welfare Benefit Plan
- Whole Life Insurance
- Will
- Yield
- Zero-Coupon Bond